Non Destructive Testing
Training & Certification

Career in NDT

The NDT techniques have various applications, not only in almost all conventional manufacturing operations, but also in various modern sectors of the industry such as Aerospace, Defense, Gas, Oil, Nuclear Power, Pressure Vessels and Transport.

In other words, job opportunities in Non-Destructive Testing are virtually limitless.

As the NDT industry is continuously developing along with the modern industrial requirements, up-to-date training of NDT operators has become a necessity.

Qualification is very important for a career in the NDT industry, as errors can result in disastrous consequences. Therefore, NDT operators are expected to refresh their skills regularly, by attending theoretical and practical courses and taking examinations.

The industry of NDT consists of a wide range of different techniques. This means that an NDT operator has the opportunity not to remain stagnate and diversify into various different NDT methods.

Three different benchmark certification levels exist in the NDT industry and they are applied to all the existing methods:

  • Level 1

The NDT Level 1 Certification is allows the operator to perform basic practical techniques as well as acquire data.

  • Level 2

The NDT Level 2 Certification enables the operator to collect and perform a detailed evaluation analysis of the data that is acquired from the inspection.

  • Level 3

The NDT Level 3 Certification proves that the operator is capable of designing inspections, procedures, and performing detailed data analysis and evaluation.